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PHP Framework
Laravel is a web application framework built with few top component of Symfony, enabling application with great base of fully tested... More
Symfony2 is PHP component which are reusable, standalone, cohesive and decoupled to solve common web application development... More
CAKE PHP is a open-source, free and very fast development frame work for PHP, its provides a foundation for the developer to create and develop... More
Zend is very simple framework, very straight forward and open source framework for PHP, this is designed to eliminate the hard details of coding...More
Lucene is an open source software library which is used to retrieve the source of information; it was developed in Java by Doug... More
This is tool kit (Application Development Framework) used by the developer who used PHP for development, it helps to develop the project very...More
YII is acronym for “Yes It Is!”, it is called so because this the first reaction of most of the inquires who are learning the YII, it is very...More
Scripting Language
HTML5 is the latest hyper text markup language for websites, HTML5 works with CSS3 and currently undergoing in its development... More
jQuery is very light, we can get more out of less, its main purpose is to make JavaScript use easy in the website, jQuery simplifies the complexity...More
Kendo UI is JavaScript/HTML5 framework, its helps developer to work and develop the web application instead of focusing on developing a... More
Cascading Style sheets 3 provide highly dynamic feature to HTML page, features like rounded corners and multiple colour background, these...More
Ajax is group web development techniques which are interrelated and used for client side to create web application. With Ajax... More
This framework is an open source, and this Ajax framework is developed by Adobe Systems, which is designed to develop internet rich application...More
Java Script is most popular programming language currently. This is the language for web pages, mobiles, laptops, PC’s and many more... More
This Extensible Mark-up Language (XML), this very much similar to HTML, it was first designed to carry the data to server or to client side, this is not meant for...More
This is JavaScript framework and Google maintain this. Philosophy behind the development of Angular JS is in belief that declarative... More
Joomla is an Content management system (CMS) and it have won awards, this CMS makes us enable to develop high quality web application, it is very...More
It is free and well known blogging tool runs on web hosting service, and this is a content management system which is based on PHP...More
MAGENTO is very rich in respect of feature list, this is very popular ecommerce platform which is has been build on open source technology...More
It is free software package which allows developer to organize, manage and publish the contents, that too with hundreds of variety in customization...More
Java and Framework
This Model View Controller (MVC) offers very wide range of flexibility, to create faster loading website and web application. In spring MVC developer...More
Struts 2 is most Well designed most ready framework to create the business ready java web application, this frame work is developed...More
Hibernate Search comprises of very sophisticated searching quality of Lucene, with the object relational mapping framework of Hibernate... More
Hibernate is the object relational mapping library of java, it provide a framework for mapping domain model which is object oriented till...More
Java Server Pages (JSP) enables developers to dynamically generated web pages which are based on HTML, XML and other formats of documents... More
Mobile App
Android is a operating system which is Linux based, first it was designed for the touch screen devices, and was developed by Android Inc...More
This is a mobile application development platform, Phone gap is an open source which used for quick building of cross platform depended... More
Sencha Touch is a UI framework that is specially built for mobile web. This is used by the developer to develop the mobile web application... More
Data Base
SQL server is a relational database management system, its primary work is to store and fetch data as per instructions by software applications...More
MYSQL is the first choice of database to be used in web application, and is the central component and very widely used, MYSQL is a relational...More
This is an object oriented relational database management system (ORDBMS). This is an open source successor of Berkeley Code, with this... More
Ruby on Rails
RUBY is objected oriented programming language which is declared most dynamic, very reflective language. It originated in JAPN...More
ASP .Net Framework
ASP.NET ASP.NET MVC framework is an alternate to the ASP.NET web forms for developing MVC-based applications, this is very light framework...More
Agile Methodology
Agile methodology is a parallel running methodology of the software development, now a day’s client changes his requirement very frequently, to co-up ...More
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